Tag: sourdough



An unanticipated effect of fame can be the loss of something. It could be humility (look how great I am). Or perhaps sense (look, I can fly!). Yet most sadly, perhaps it is just loss of 20/20 vision instead morphing into something rather more constrained 

Da Terra

Da Terra

When people preface words with “da”, I cannot but help think back to my high school days where everyone would try to be a little “gangsta”. In such times, the word would seem to make things that much more hip.  Strutting around school, prefacing many 



Much as I love a hunk of dripping/smouldering meat, I have learnt that sometimes more vegetarian pursuits can be tasty too.  In particular, bread can distract me from thoughts of a carnivorous kind. Sourdough baguette and whipped butter.  A particularly beautiful piece of bread.  See 



You hear the most interesting things sometimes at restaurants.  And no, this is not from the other patrons but instead the staff.  I try not to be purposely nosy but when people insist on having a conversation at increasing volumes right next to me I 



Intimidation by size can apply to many things in life.  Whether it was that rather menacing looking white van that fought you for that last car park spot or the apparent Goliath standing implacably on the tube.  Thankfully, it doesn’t always have to be such