Plant Hub
I was feeling courageous this day. Hence I stepped into not only into a vegetarian eatery but went a step further and dared to try a vegan one. Ahead of such visit, I was in fear that nothing would taste good. That I would be …
restaurant reviews & travel stories
Brunch seems to be a pivotal part of the weekend ritual. To a brunch heathen like me, it seemed nonsensical that its absence bespoke a critical defect in humanity. Seemingly excessive inebriation, bodily harm or extreme extrusion of liquids were not justifiable reasons to miss …
On Boxing day, we thought to absolve ourselves of the previous day’s gluttony by taking a walk in the country side. Out in the grasslands and gentle hills of Surrey, things were rather happy and peaceful, especially from the number of dogs walking their owners …
I admit that I haven’t tried Bone Daddies. Slightly hypocritical for a professed ramen addict such as myself. So when a new branch opened up in Victoria, it seemed to be begging me to rectify this issue. I have always found visiting a new restaurant …
As far as restaurant names go, I take my hat off to SuperStar BBQ for sheer aplomb. Naming your establishment after the diva inside all of us (or perhaps that is just me) was more than enough to pique my curiosity. Maybe after lunch, I …
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