A zero waste restaurant is an interesting concept. What makes this concept even more exciting is how far you take this. Is it purely in relation to the food? Using off cuts? The whole hog? In which case, St Johns already has you beat. Or …
restaurant reviews & travel stories
Creatively named. Just like 10 Greek Street up the road. I guess when you are not so very imaginative, you could always name your restaurant after its address. Or perhaps I am being a tad harsh here as perhaps such a straightforward name is suggesting …
I usually am apprehensive about visiting hotel restaurants. They managed to be consistently underwhelming. After all, the logic seems to be if you have a captive audience for your food, why bother trying to deliver an outstanding product? Yet, I had heard that the Waterside Inn …
I decided to return to the Square to try their full tasting menu as I had been so blown away by their lunch service. As the price, including wine, was to be an eight fold increase, was the food eight times better? You might be …
On the last day of my holiday I decided to save the most interesting for last. The Square. I was last here several years ago and left not very impressed to be honest. All my friends have implored me to give it another chance, so I …
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