Tag: korean

Hongdae pocha

Hongdae pocha

Much as I try to bury my head in the ground surrounding tv series, I have been exposed (or rather forced) to squid game.  I don’t know much about what it is except that during my trips to the living room to check under the 

Fire and Salt

Fire and Salt

In a throw back to my earlier (happier) days, this is a review about someone else’s food. As days of being an annnoying fastidious critic on other peoples’ creations are a bit behind me now, I try to take my chances when I find them.  

Petite Coree

Petite Coree

Brunch seems to be a pivotal part of the weekend ritual.  To a brunch heathen like me, it seemed nonsensical that its absence bespoke a critical defect in humanity. Seemingly excessive inebriation, bodily harm or extreme extrusion of liquids were not justifiable reasons to miss 

Lime Orange

Lime Orange

Whenever I hear the word orange, I cannot but think of the last particularly stand out memory connection.  It involved somewhat over zealous application of rub on sun tan.  So much so, that said user looked like they would glow in the dark.  I thought 

Po Cha

Po Cha

I honestly always wondered what was up with the word honesty.  People would often preface their sentences to me with “to be honest”.  I always did wonder if that meant that they had been lying to me all the time before.  Although it maybe is