Tag: cheese



There are few things sadder than when something great becomes something less. There was my friend who was determined to be the largest (muscular) man around, so much so that a while ago when he was asked to described himself, in fervent hope that words 



Fermentation is a beautiful process.  It brings us many culinary delights from wine, pickles and of course that ambrosia, cheese.  I should have known that my own addiction to cheese was not purely brought on by free will.  It seemed a bit too attractive for 



Usually at eateries, I am not greeted with remarks about my dress sense (or lack thereof).  As I was to dive in once again to a more trendy crowd (where I often feel slightly ill at ease), I thought I would have to dress with 

Launceston Place

Launceston Place

It seems that in these exciting times, we are more and more gripped by political spectacle.  Although in some cases the worries seemed wholly justified.  Just look at Brexit and the recent White House elections for a start.  Those did not go the way that 

Le Gavroche

Le Gavroche

This restaurant seems to court news almost as well as some politicians.  In these turbulent times, with surprises at every corner and seemingly impossible situations coming to pass, I thought that I might as well live a little.  While the iron is hot, or perhaps