Tag: beetroot



I thought it would be interesting to visit a restaurant headed by a celebrity chef.  Been a while since I’ve been in one. Mere is the residence of chef Monica Galetti, of Master Chef the Professionals fame. In Master Chef, she rains a quite brutal 

Scandi Kitchen

Scandi Kitchen

Sometimes it seems that the further you go up North, less is more. Well, at least that’s the way that furniture seems to go.  Nordic furniture seems to have acquired the characteristics of clean lines, minimalist motifs as opposed to its more Southern counterparts with 

Kitchen Table

Kitchen Table

Bubbledogs.  Kind of a weird name. A doggy spa perhaps?  Although perhaps better than calling your restaurant Kitchen Table. Non-descriptive it is. Kind of a mouthful as well.  Although, it is better than alternatives I have seen.  The Fire Station, Low Slow & Juke and 



Native is a tiny new restaurant in Covent Garden focusing on game and foraged foods.  I admit to being a bit skeptical about this type of cuisine.  Sounds like scavenged to me.  Originally starting off as a pop-up, it now occupies a fairly minimalist Scandi-styled 

Pollen street social

Pollen street social

I have a bit of a thing for crockery as you might have figured out. So I couldn’t help but admire the plate setting at the table.  Simply exquisite! I tend to base my expectations of a restaurant on 1. the plate setting and 2. the