Tag: rabbit



I am well acquainted with the word Brat.  Usually hurled as an almost expletive when I was growing up with my brother, it would not be my first choice for a restaurant name.  It brings back too many memories of rather rancorous arguments. However, I 



Dogs love BBQs. They wait in gleeful expectation for inevitable clumsiness which will lead to lunch.  The resignation as a party goer sees their tilted plate resulting in their food being pulled down inexorably by gravity is greeted with joy by the dog. I felt 



Sometimes I think I should pay more attention to the tingle that something bad is going to happen. There is usually something which provides a clue that I am about to have a bad time.  Unfortunately, this is usually when I am already committed and 

St John Bread and Wine

St John Bread and Wine

St John is known for starting the nose to tail eating revolution in the UK.  People over here somehow seem to think it is a revolutionary new way to eat.  Yet, I’m sure the peasants in the fields in Middle England could have told the