Tag: pollock



A sign of particular fame (and ego) is to name a restaurant after yourself. Then again, perhaps it is a sign of lack of imagination.  Although it might be better than naming the restaurant after the road it is on. Marcus, as you may be 



I don’t know what Townsend means.  It doesn’t seem to break down into useful constituents to provide kindle for some type of witty introduction.  It defeats me. Instead I will describe it as a small restaurant near Aldgate East.  It is rather objectively small, which 

Casa Fofo

Casa Fofo

House Fofo.  At least that what my limited Spanish tells me “Casa Fofo” means.  Although I thought that “Fofo” was a name that usually gave a pet dog, cat or goldfish.  The fluffier the more apt, which might be challenging for the gold fish. The