Tag: custard bun



There comes a time in every blogger’s life when they have to confront a harsh truth. Their dearly held prejudices are blinkered, unreasonable and plain wrong.  So this was how I was frogged marched to a Chinatown eatery, where I previously would loudly proclaim that 

Hong Kong City

Hong Kong City

I especially bemoan what seems to be hyperinflation in the London dining scene.  It seems that once restaurants opened up without restrictions, that it was a signal that the customers’ wallets were fair game too. In such circumstances, I felt like to have a full 

Bun House

Bun House

At least they have an accurate name. As you might have deduced, they serve buns.  These are not the version that you might think would be found in the west but instead fluffy steamed Taiwanese versions.  As compared to Bao, which managed to so artfully