Tag: chicken

Oliver Maki

Oliver Maki

Attempting to summon to mind the most similar episode to this, I was reminded of particularly torturous visits to the barber as a child.  I would be bundled onto the bus, subject to a walk in the scorching heat at the end and then even 

Tabun Kitchen

Tabun Kitchen

Tabun.  I wonder if the owners know what tabun means in Japanese.  It means maybe.  So maybe kitchen, an interesting choice to name your eatery.  I guess it makes it easy for waiters to respond to questions about food. Customer: How is your kofta?  Is 



It is somewhat ironic that right after I complain about titles of restaurants being fairly non-descriptive and not providing many clues, (Kitchen Table, I am looking at you), I would then find myself in Bayleaf.  In this case, the name is a kind of a 

Kitchen Table

Kitchen Table

Bubbledogs.  Kind of a weird name. A doggy spa perhaps?  Although perhaps better than calling your restaurant Kitchen Table. Non-descriptive it is. Kind of a mouthful as well.  Although, it is better than alternatives I have seen.  The Fire Station, Low Slow & Juke and 

The Barbary

The Barbary

A fairly recurrent motif in the London restaurant scene at the moment is the second restaurant effect. A new independent restaurant starts up, becomes successful and then opens their second restaurant. Sometimes, this is good – standards are maintained and it becomes (ever so slightly)