Tag: cheese

La Fromagerie

La Fromagerie

Sometimes I find the hustle and bustle of South Kensington and Oxford Street a bit much.  I can’t really understand how it would be feasible to frequent those locales on a persistent basis.  With the cacophony of tourists, collection of aggressive formidably large non-British cars and 



I braved the wilderness in search of good food.  Chiswick. I had heard many good things about Hedone from others.  In particular, how great the quality of their ingredients was. Ready to start, I arrayed my weapons for battle. My dining companion did the same with 



So, (I hope) some of you were wondering where I have been as all has been quiet on the blogging front.  The answer, attending weddings.  Many weddings.  In 1 I was the best man.  In 1 I was the photographer.  In 1 I was trying 



So I had a couple of days left in my holiday allotment.  Where I work, there is a use it or lose it policy.  So I thought I would take some time out to enjoy London.  That means eat London. So that is how I