E5 Bakehouse Poplar

On a cold, dreary (and rainy) day, the indoors looks mightly promising.  Especially when one side is a narrow canal leading to the sea with rather bleak buildings on either side.

Ducking into one such building, the interior was very different.

Happy and cheery.  Many people typing away on their laptops too.  There was a real buzz in the air and a sense of purpose.  I can see why some people like to work in coffee shops.  As for me, I dislike working on a laptop for prolonged periods, so not really for me.  My old joints don’t like me slumping in an ergonomically incorrect posture.  When I do so, I can almost hear scolding by my old teachers…

Apple cake.  Moist, firm, with just the right amount of tart apple.  This was good.  I applaud their ability to mix sour and sweet to just the right level.  My one comment would be that the top was a little soft and not crunchy like I expected, that’s probably because this was a typical soggy London day.

There were many other treats on offer, although at this time of day (2pm), not really something for me.  Perhaps I should come back to try their brunch one day.  I remember their main home served up something rather special.  Looking back at my photos of that day, I see that I too was lured in by the apple cake.

I will definitely need to be back to give this a more full sampling.  Or maybe that would just be an excuse to get in from the rain.


A quiet eating 7/10.

A slice of cake was GBP 3 excluding drinks and service.


E5 Bakehouse Poplar

Poplar Union
2 Cotall St, Poplar
London E14 6TL

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