1+1 rougamo

1+1 sandwich.

Well, that’s the literal translation.

In a rather empty locale (Holborn) on a weekend, we came across a seemingly random assortment of Chinese restaurants.  Which kind of fit the bill as the food was to be an odd assortment of Sichuan foods not typically seen in London.  The low price was almost something not often seen these days.

Taiwaness style sausage.  In the way that processed meat often tastes, it was smooth and fulsome.  So much so that I wondered if instead of the advertised pork, this was instead something more exotic like retired racehorse.  Which I guess it might be happy with, as entertaining both on the way in and on the way out.

Pickled shredded daikon.  The sausage came with an unexpected extra, shredded daikon.  Looked rather inoffensive, however like some small ladies I know, with hidden fire.  The numbing chilli inside led for unexpected excitement both immediately and after.

Saliva chicken.  The next dish was one that I have seen translated in many different amusing ways.  Either saliva chicken (a reference perhaps to what it is cooked in or how you would react when it comes near you), mouth-watering chicken (a more polite way of describing it) or chilli chicken (perhaps most accurate).  However, no matter what you call it, it was good.  Delicately broiled chicken, crispy shallots and deep (and fiery) chilli with oil.  Definitely something to drool over.

Traditional Xi’an lamb soup with glass noodles.  Rich and fulsome, the clear broth which packed a kick.  The glass noodles were decent (if rather sparse) but the lamb slices although thin, packed a lambsome punch.  Smooth counterpoint to more bland noodles.

Fish & Sauerkraut.  With spicy undercurrent.  Better described perhaps as fish fillets with preserved Chinese vegetables in soup, the rather staid green colour could be misleading.  This dish brought a tear to my eye as the spicy kick helped to alleviate my boredom with life.  Sometimes I need a kick to get moving and this certainly helped.

Braised pork meat sandwich.  Finishing with a pork sandwich as a final goodbye, it was flaky and meaty.  Although compared to the rest, it wasn’t that delighting on the tongue.  It just wasn’t really to my tastes which is kind of a shame given that this is what gives the restaurant its name.

Although I have to give it to them.  Perhaps 1+1 is a good name.  As in these numerically challenging days where it seems that a £ doesn’t go as far as it could, we could all do with a bit of a reminder to count our pennies.  1+1 doens’t equal 10, 5 or 3.  Instead, sadly it seems that often when I check, it adds up to less than £2.  Yet if that is the case, perhaps you want to come to 1+1 rougamo, your money might go further.


A quiet eating 8/10.

Lunch (2 course equivalent) was GBP20 per person excluding drinks and service.


1+1 rougamo

58-59 Red Lion St,
London WC1R 4PD

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