Tag: sausage

1+1 rougamo

1+1 rougamo

1+1 sandwich. Well, that’s the literal translation. In a rather empty locale (Holborn) on a weekend, we came across a seemingly random assortment of Chinese restaurants.  Which kind of fit the bill as the food was to be an odd assortment of Sichuan foods not 

E Pellicci

E Pellicci

There is a lot to be said about receiving banter from the waiters.  It leads to an entertaining meal. From a two second introduction to customers, there is particular skill in being able to gauge what type of reception would be welcome.  I think again 

Scandi Kitchen

Scandi Kitchen

Sometimes it seems that the further you go up North, less is more. Well, at least that’s the way that furniture seems to go.  Nordic furniture seems to have acquired the characteristics of clean lines, minimalist motifs as opposed to its more Southern counterparts with 

Little Social

Little Social

It seems that Jason Atherton is becoming increasingly famous and successful.  I think he has opened branches in Hong Kong and Singapore.  Naturally, having being to Pollen Street Social, I felt I had to try another one of his social events.  Little Social.  Slightly fastidious person