Tag: green tea

Jin Kichi

Jin Kichi

At times, my friends call me a moaner. At times, they are right. One particular thing I like to constantly complain about, is the lack of decent Japanese food in London.  I’m not talking about Itsu and Wasabi or even Wagamama.  That’s fake Japanese which 

Korea – A Seoulful adventure

Korea – A Seoulful adventure

As someone has been bugging my constantly to visit Korea I finally decided to drop by. Now I’ve been to Seoul before, but with a different crew. This time people had very different tastes.  Take for instance one person’s obsession with Osulluc green tea. I 

Tokyo – a stroll in the park

Tokyo – a stroll in the park

Because I spend so much of my time eating, I get very fat. And to counter this I need to take walks.  Kind of like a dog.  I also like to chase frisbees, which is another similarity, but that’s another story. After lunch it was