Tag: bone marrow



When I was a kid, I quickly learnt that storming off in a tantrum rarely seemed to help me.  Screaming, shouting and trying to embarrass the parents would get me precisely nowhere.  In fact, it would be counterproductive as I would then be subject to 

Berber & Q

Berber & Q

It appears that Haggerston is on its way up.  With the artfully distressed looking buildings, to the hipster coffee places offering much, presenting rather less. Observe the path from the tube station to the location.  Iron gantries rising on the right.  Worn brick walls and 



When I initially heard the name of the restaurant “Anglo”, I was very puzzled.  Is that the name of a dog?  My confusion was compounded as when typing the name into the oracle (Google), I was told that it was a restaurant serving Asian food.