Nude Espressso

One thing that is guaranteed to increase interest is the great reveal.

It is particularly gratifying when it ends up squashing someone down to their appropriate size.  I can remember in days gone when the bully would act all high and mighty.  Happily shoving others into place.  Triumphantly stepping on others.  Yet when someone successfully challenged him, everyone laughing at the fact that it seemed that the emperor had no clothes, no plan and no legal standing.

Allusions to politics in this day and age are completely inadvertent.  I am of course speaking about Nude Espresso, which provides a great deal of London’s coffee.  You have probably tried some of their product without evening knowing it.

It seemed that the roaster was so well known that it had become somewhat of a tourist stop on London walking tours.

Just opposite the factory sat the coffee shop, with merchandise galore to take away as a souvenir.  When so much effort had been made to make it so easy to try, I thought it would be rude to leave without taking a sip.

Cantucci, Italian almond cookie.  Hard and nutty.  A good cookie to go with the next bit.

Latte.  This was not bad.  Not great either.  It looked pretty, had all the surface level signs of a good coffee, good latte art, neat saucer, glass tumbler but something seemed to be missing.  After another sip I figured it out.  It didn’t have quite enough weight or foam in the milk to make it a contender to the coffee at Monmouth, the best coffee I’ve had in London.

Then again, if you are willing to settle for second best, you could do worse.  I only wish the same could be said of the current UK leadership candidates.


A quiet eating 7/10.

A coffee was GBP3.


Nude Espresso

26 Hanbury St, Spitalfields,
London E1 6QR


Nude Espresso Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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