Association coffee

Company, group, amalgamation, commune, association.

You find lots of the above in the city of London.  To clarify, what I am referring to here are the various corporate vehicles required to help make a (captalist) living.  Not group options for alternative living, those generally do not scale well.  For example, think of the commune.  Works for small groups and particularly loved by cults where everything is shared.  Communal food works.  Communal clothes, not so much.  The people’s ownership of everything such as when enacted in a larger stage in China, didn’t work that well.

So to get away from the hussle and bustle of the city, with its preoccupation with making money, it is fortunate that there is a good coffee shop nearby.

Association Coffee.  Straddles two numbers too, just to make sure that you don’t miss it.

Latte.  Wholesome with deep coffee notes this was a clear, balanced cup.  The coffee avoided sour or burnt notes and when delivered on a pleasing blue saucer, tasted just that little bit better.

The only issue with Association Coffee is that the rest of the city seems to share my thoughts.  This makes it a bit hard to get a seat.  This is definitely the place to take a break from the desk, annoying colleagues or avoid the office coffee offerings.  As an important task like coffee should be enjoyable and savoured.  Now that is the group that I would like to be part of.


A quiet eating 8/10.

Coffee was GBP 3 excluding service.


Assocation coffee

No. 10/12 Creechurch Lane
London EC3A 5AY

Association Coffee Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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