Tag: tagliatelle



Things in life are relative.  Especially food. I can think of that time when I have starved for two days during a youthful poorly planned camping trip.  When I emerged out of the wild, instant noodles were like ambrosia to me. On the other hand, 

The Galley – Fortnum and Masons

The Galley – Fortnum and Masons

It always seemed to me to be a bit weird how much love there was for royalty.  Where I originally come from, the last emperor was some time ago and imperial majesty is not much in vogue.  In contrast, in the UK, everyone seemingly wants 

Cafe Murano

Cafe Murano

With the many woes of this world, we thought that we needed to cheer ourselves up. Cafe Murano has a very grand setting with high ceilings, elaborate yet not ostentatious decoration and smartly dressed waiters; it extruded a feeling of professional service.  Packed to the