Tag: eggplant



I was recently accused of being unadventurous. I think that is a fairly accurate characterization.  As I grow older (and fatter and slower), I see consequences in many of my actions.  Whether it be that impulse purchase of particularly adventurous clothing, that rather exhilarating experience 

Singapore – An eating day

Singapore – An eating day

With the lifting of Covid measures, I made my first trip back to Asia in over 2 years to see friends and family. The below is about one eating day which I spent with a friend reliving our days in Tokyo (when we were both 



Consistency is a good thing. Well, it is if the food is good.  If instead it is consistently less than that, other thoughts spring more readily to mind.  Although, perhaps being consistently mediocre is something to applaud as avoiding any highlights or downlights requires some 

Jerusalem, the Western Wall, Beit Shean,the stations of the cross and Mount Nebo

Jerusalem, the Western Wall, Beit Shean,the stations of the cross and Mount Nebo

We found it fascinating to see so many armed soldiers around.  Especially with particularly youthful looks!  So much so, that the most gregarious member of our group just had to take a photo with them.  They were nice and didn’t shoot him. We then visited 



First review Expletives are a fascinating component of the English language.  These tend to usually be associated with body parts, derogatory slang referring to objects or religious references.  They can be used to emphasise how bad things are.  In the alternative, they can convey the