
I remember many times when the queue for this place was out the door.  At that time, it was some snazzy American pizza joint, advertising giant pizzas by the slice or just for one humugous one for a greedy person.  In those heady days, it was only for the popular kids, so I couldn’t get in.

Now when times are hard, I have a chance.  Today, as I am unpopular (i.e. abandoned by my lunch buddy), I decided to give this place a try.  To my surprise, I was able to get a seat.

The venue.  As you can see, a small place.  This contrasts with their BIG pizzas.  As in, two people can eat one easily.  The juxtaposition of pizza size and small table makes look even bigger.

Yet, as my eating capacity has decreased with time (and I’m trying to keep my waistline under control), having a single pizza for myself would not be advisable.  Although I do remember over two decades ago, eating three entire pizzas at the Pizza Hut all-you-can-eat buffet.  I was a younger, smaller and better-looking man then.  Oh those were the days.

Luckily for me, Homeslice also allows for per-slice options.  Helps old people like me trying to relive their youth.  That way dreams and reality do not end up as painfully colliding.

Salami.  First, I must applaud the base.  It was thin, crunchy and rather delicious as crispy but not burnt underneath.  The tomato and salami topping was a bit sparse, but that was ok.  However, the parmesan shavings on top were a bit dry and seemed old.  That kind of pulled it down, stale ingredients pulled decreased the worth of it all.

Mushroom.  A rather delicious mixture of different mushrooms, this rather sizable chunk was delightful. Slinky mushrooms, topped with cheese, and drizzled with olive oil.  A great thing as the meaty mushrooms, bouncy base and melted cheese covered many elements.  If all vegetarian foods were like this, in my days of madness, I might consider it.

Homeslice is not bad.  Although with all the other pizza places around, I think I know why they aren’t packed to the rafters anymore.  In its glory days it was somewhere worth going.  Now it is reduced to something on the side.  Kind of like some ex-heads of state we might know.  They are lucky in that they knew what it was like to be popular and less so now.  I’ve not seen what is like at the top of the mountain, so I don’t know what I am missing out on.  Although on the pizza front, I can say, there are better places to be.


A quiet eating 7/10.

Lunch (two slices of pizza) was GBP11 excluding drinks and service.



13 Neal’s Yard

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