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Grounded Coffee

Grounded Coffee

Typos can make the most boring thing terribly amusing.  Perhaps due to the area I work in, a spelling mistake can send people into fits of laughter.  A misplaced comma can spell doom (or hilarity).  Neither of which is a reputation that you want to 



I thought fallow was something that applied to fields.  You leave them dormant to recover before planting more seeds.  Or it is a period in which not really that much happens.  Unfortunately in that sense, this word cannot be applied to current British politics. Thankfully 



Billeted as a rising star (got its 2nd Michelin star this year), this eatery fits a stereotypical modern high-end restaurant well. It has clean lines, stone bar and elegant water decanters. Minimalist wooden furniture.  Open kitchen.  Young well groomed staff in aprons.  For a restaurant