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Golden Yolk

Golden Yolk

Half of something is better than all of nothing.  That is my excuse for not having my camera for this meal at Golden Yolk. I wasn’t expecting anything worth writing home about and in desperation in my new neighbourhood (lack of energy), I picked the 

Beanie Green Paddington

Beanie Green Paddington

I wouldn’t usually end up in such a place, as I prefer more indy, punk and dilapidated coffee joints.  Those are cheaper too, which I need as I am saving up for probably one of the most expensive things in life. Putting monetary concerns to 



Now that I’ve moved out of central London and have to watch the last train home, dinner can become an “exciting” affair.  I have to weigh up if just one more bite is worth a potentially longer (and significantly more expensive) train home. An inviting 

J Sheekey

J Sheekey

I must have passed J Sheekey countless times, situated as it is between Soho and Covent Garden in London.  It lives on a busy street which can cause issue when you are trying to create an upmarket restaurant. Such staring and dawdling around the vicinity 



I am writing this post from my new house, my new desk but with my old brain.  So you will have to forgive me that my sense of humour hasn’t really changed, it is as bad as ever.  This is Oma, which I think has