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Calico Coffee

Calico Coffee

At Calico Coffee, I thought how much is too much for a cup of coffee? For people with deeper pockets (and less tight fists) than me, the sky is the limit. With excuse for potentially offending people with use of vulgarities, I’ve tried literal shit 

Host Cafe

Host Cafe

The right ambience can transform the dining experience. I have had food on a moored barge, on the side of a dock with a sheer drop less than 10 cm away or on unfinished work benches.  All of those surroundings added to the dining experience.  



A new year, a new you. Or so goes the constant advertisement bombardment trying to tempt you to try something new, different and potentially costly. My resolution was a little less ambitious than getting that beach body ready, that slicked back hair just right, the 



I think an explanation of the featured photo for this post is warranted. This is not food.  This is a pepper shaker.  Although used to great effect by the restaurant staff to show how you should eat the dumpling with your hands.  Given the lack 

Golden Yolk

Golden Yolk

Half of something is better than all of nothing.  That is my excuse for not having my camera for this meal at Golden Yolk. I wasn’t expecting anything worth writing home about and in desperation in my new neighbourhood (lack of energy), I picked the