Wales, mountains and a flat tire

So long weekend.

And what to do?

Climb a mountain!

Off we went to conquer Snowdonia.

But it rained, and rained and rained….  We tried to go up once but turned back after 100 meters after we were drenched.  Then we tried when the rain stopped.

A long way up!

With a long journey ahead we set off

Past some waterfalls

Through some rocky terrain.  Too bad we can’t fly…

Up among the clouds.  Stupid clouds.  Meant we didn’t get a view from the top 🙁

But on the way down, the skies cleared

But it was a looooooong way down.

2:30 hours to get up.  3:00 to get down…  the long way… the tourist trail…

And some well deserved munchies at the end!  Pork chop, gammon steak, beef steak, sausage, tomato and mushroom.

There were also some castles to visit

With flags waving in the wind…

Among a darken sky

But some lamb/sausage/beef stew to finish the trip

Lemon tart

And shortbread cream to end!