Fujisan journeys, part I

This weekend a friend of a friend was in town so time to do some more touristy stuff.

First up was a visit to Tsukiji market for some quiet eating.

Part of the queue outside one of the famous sushi restaurants.  One guy in the queue said he had been waiting for 2 hours…  Ummm not thanks.

Friendly wax paper hat man.  Makes sure you don’t get run over while you wait for your food.

Off to ramen shop.  Manned by one cranky man “go away, stop blocking  my shop” and “no no you can’t carry that you will spill it”.  But it was all offset by…


Soysauce based ramen.  Pork with some green onions and bamboo shoots.  The noodles were soooo good.  So was the soup.  It had a very light taste and actually seemed healthy for ramen.  It was so good that one of my friends drank most of the bowl.

After ramen it was time for some gyudon. (Beef bowl).  Not as good, but still yum yum.

Next stop was some random sushi restaurant (as we did not want to queue up) with some nice tea cups.

Nom noms.

Sushi was only ok though.  A bit disappointing really…

Desert course.  You may think, yuck Haagan-Daaz chain icecream.  But do they have matcha chocolate chip dessert at your local ice cream parlour?

Next we got on the bus going to Fujisan area (Kawaguchiko station).

Arrived after 1 hour and 45 minutes.  Along the way pasted Fuji-Q.  I am definitely coming back to try that…


A bit of walking around the area.

A hidden and deserted temple we found.

Snowed just the day before.

Sakura still waving in the wind.

Entrance to the temple

So peaceful


Next stop was our Ryokan.  When we arrived we got this lovely macha drink.  And then a small rice cake sweet. Ahhh. Then we had some great onsen soaking (pictures banned sorry).  Then dinner time!

To just wet your appetite.  More to come…

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