Washington 2 – Natural History Museum
So to continue the story lunch time was next.
A quick Italian lunch at the West Wing of the Art Museum.
What more can you ask for when the entrance looks like this.
So off to the Natural History Museum after lunch
Greeted by Mr Elephant! I met your brother while on Safari when he was trying to eat a jeep.
But that’s another story. There were many many other exhibits to stop by on the way.
Lots of bones
Some were hungry
Several hours later…
And maybe instead you want a smaller snack
Food tastes better when it is caught unaware
Then off to dinner. We went to Columbus heights for some tex-mex at Haydees. Columbus heights is rather dodgy, once we got out of the metro someone tried to sell my friend drugs. We quickly walked in another direction and hoped that we wouldn’t get mugged. So we were very very happy to find the restuarant and it might just be my imagination but maybe the danger element made the food taste even better.
To start off some hot hot buffalo wings.
Grilled chicken something (ok its not my food so I wasn’t paying attention).
Beef enchalatas! Quite good. Very cheesy with shredded beef inside. Quite heavy though, but so so good with sour cream and guacamole.
Chicken chimi! Kind of like the previous dish, but with Chilli and deep fried! Ok, they all just tasted good. Yum.
See you next time.
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