One of my favourite foods.
Tonkatsu is fried pork cutlets in a light panko batter eaten with shredded cabbage and rice. I can hear people thinking “it’s just like fish and chips” but it’s so much more! It has become something of an obsession in Japan with many restaurants specialising just in this dish. It was also my favourite go to food while in Japan. So I just had to return to try some on my latest visit following my period in exile overseas. Arriving at this restaurant in Tokyo, where I remember being fondly blown away, their specialty is the fresh sesame seeds that you grind yourself and then dip the tonkatsu into.
I feel hungry just looking at that. Please excuse me while I wipe the drool off my keyboard.
Accompanied by some lovely miso soup.
And the great compliment is lovely mixed grain rice. As much as you can eat.
In my quest to find the perfectly fried tonkatsu, I have tried 100s of versions. Through this vast fried experience, I have to say that this is my favourite as not only is the tonkatsu exceptional but only heightened by the shredded cabbage, fresh sesame seeds, miso soup and mixed grain rice. I do miss tonkatsu in Japan. It just seems so different from the ones you get anywhere else in the world. In Japan there is pride in getting this delight just right. The truth is in the pudding, or in this case, the tonkatsu.
A quiet eating 8/10.
Lunch was GBP20 excluding drinks and service.
Shibuya-ku, Sendagaya 5-24-2
Shinjuku Times Square Building 14th Floor
Tokyo, Japan