Stuck in the mountains – Takamine
Continuing on from lunch (see previous post) we went off hiking another mountain.
That is, until we had a little accident.
Look closely at the below picture.
Here is a close up if you are having trouble seeing it.
This is my friend, B. His hat is a sniper hat. You see, B used to be sniper in the Singapore army. This is a photo of him after he fell into a hole. Would also make for a nice foxhole. Anyway, when you step in deep soft snow, if you are too heavy, in you go. Maybe B shouldn’t have asked for seconds at lunch. After several minutes of digging and swearing, sniper B finally got out.
So we could enjoy a view like this.
We also saw a fox on the way! Sorry for the bad photo, I had very little time to frame and snap the shot before Mr. Fox ran off.
Anyway, it was getting dark so it was time to head home.
To meet Mr. Bear. Hello Mr. Bear! What a big camera you have.
But before dinner – time to visit the onsen. First you put on your yukata and open the door to:
Spooky snowy path.
Take the left turn.
Go down another path.
And welcome to the onsen in the middle of the snow. Takemine at 2000 metres.
Whoo, what a view while soaking outside. Definitely the highlight of the trip! There is something to be said for sitting around as sunset happens surrounded by snow and beautiful mountain scenery. Thanks to B for the onsen photos as he was brave enough to take his camera along.
Oh yah, and dinner.
Mhmmm. So we have going clockwise starting from the left. Miso soup, konyaku jelly, pickled veggie, rice, sesame sauce, mega rice pot, stewed fish, yaki tamago, spring onion, pickled veg (x2) and mountain veggies (also pickled). Apparently they do all their pickling in house! I don’t think I’ve ever had pickles that are that good. We even asked for an extra large second helping. Pretty good dinner, a quiet eating 7.5/10.
During dinner we also had a visitor. Raccoon. Hi!
He also posed obligingly for the camera.
Then we went for some star gazing (they set up big telescopes) but it was freezing and dark so I ran inside quickly. Had more time in the onsen and then time to sleep.
We woke up to the chirping of the birds having their breakfast.
My turn next. Starting from the left, clockwise, onsen tamago, salad, bacon (oh that was so good bacon), lightly fried salmon, pickles, seaweed and more pickles! A great way to start the day. Followed by onsen again of course.
After that it was time to climb back on the tractor and off we went home.
Until next time.
8 thoughts on “Stuck in the mountains – Takamine”
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awesome pictures(:
thank you! took a bit of a hike (literally) to get there, but was well worth it!
I’m sure. I’d probably have turned back five minutes into the hike! lol.
just think of the scenery! or in my case the onsen and food… it will keep you going.
thank you! I definitely would recommend it.
Beautiful photos!!
Here, at least, we call what happened to your friend post-holing. When you break through the snow like that because it isn’t strong enough to support your weight, it’s a little bit like driving a fence post into a hole in the ground. Anyway, it’s terribly annoying and zaps your energy quick. Snowshoes help a lot.
Glad you both made it, because it means I got to look at some beautiful photos.
Yes, there was quite a bit of swearing when that happened! Funny for me, but for him not so much. Thanks for dropping by.