Nezu netherland

A friend took a couple of us to Nezu, and of course it centered on the munchies.

The front door to the restaruant

Table setting

Carrot, radish and seashell with seashell something to eat

Veg on the side.  Yum yum.

Prawn and garlic

Fishy and corn ball

Avocado noodles and uni

Fish cake and wagu beef

Lotus and scallop

Rice, miso and pickles


After all of this eating, we were taking on a short tour of the area.  Many good things to eat around the place.  But of course I got distracted easily…

Oh look, 50 year old icrecream shop….

Next stop, more icecream

Red bean in side…

Green tea ice with condensed milk.

So felt a bit full after this so ended up wandering around another area.  Rice cracker store!

Rice cake shop along the way.

After chomping on some rice crackers, we needed a drink, so went in search of a cafe.  Ended up going for a caffe latte.

It is truly amazing how much you can eat in one day!

Ja ne!