New York 4 – Brunch, planes and other things

So, we ended up going for lunch at this place I have forgotten the name of.  However, it is apparently famous for being owned by Robert DeNiro.


Some salami to start and pickled vegetables.

And some amazing onion bread.

Followed by some sublime poached eggs.  Covered with cheese and with minced pork at as a base topped off with crispy bread.  One of the best things I’ve had in New York!

After this it was off to the USS Intrepid.  The Intrepid first saw action in WWII and continued in active service until 1974 and now is a floating museum.

The USS Growler.

Anchored along side the Intrepid, this is the only missile sub open to the public.  It carried two nuclear missiles and would lurk along the Russian coastline in the 1950s.

Things were a little bit cramped inside though..  Just imagine is someone snored very loudly.

Although I guess you could always eject them through the torpedo tube.


The dining facilities also left a lot to be desired

Parked outside is also concorde!  Now grounded following a fatal crash…

Surprisingly cramped inside.  Guess those first class tickets are for speed, not luxury!

If things get to be too much though, you just might need one of these, and ejector seat!

Things were slightly more spacious on the aircraft carrier.  This was the pilot’s ready room.

And little planes safely tucked away inside.

Sleeping quarters were also more humane.

But when things got too be too much, it was time to head on up stairs to the flight deck.

The F series of US fighter planes.

The Blackbird.  Never shot down.  Ever.  (If even managed to outrun missiles)

And my favourite, the F-14 Tomcat.

After this, it was off to Sushi Samba for dinner.  Japanese and Brazilian fusion!  Apologies for the bad photos.  The restaurant was very very dark and I only had my dinky point and shoot.  The flash was too weak…

Dumpling.  With yummy beef filling.

Shrimp tacos.  Smooth and creamy.

Sushi with thousand island source and avocado.  It just melts in your mouth.

Deep fried fishy.  Crispy and spicy.

More fish (sorry, I forget what this is…)

Lamb chop!  Very juicy and tender.

And to finish off, Mochi… Chocolate, vanilla, green tea and sakura flavour.

Until next time.