Tempura and Yakitori
In the realisation that I have 3 weeks left in Japan, I have begun to stuff my face as fast as possible. So lets begin…
The place setting in a restaurant in the Keio department store
Yum yum main course. Prawn, prawn head, anago (sea eel) and asparagus.
Egg custard
Prawns on rice
All together a very ordinary meal 🙁 Time for something better.
Starting! Silky tofu, some bean thing, and pork
Salad. I love how fresh and tasty the vegetables are in Japan. Especially tomatoes.
Chicken wings! Salted and grilled.With a Yakitori. All chicken. From left to right, chicken breast with wasabi, chicken with leeks, minced chicken, unidentifiable thingy, chicken heart, chicken liver.
Now most of it was quite raw (and good) but I would not recommend eating almost raw chicken liver anywhere else but Japan. Almost compares to the chicken sashimi I had the other time.
More chicken, left to right, chicken cartilage, chicken skin, shitake mushrooms, ginko nuts
Eggplant with ginger to finish.
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