Tag: travel

Matsumoto – A visit to a wasabi farm

Matsumoto – A visit to a wasabi farm

So just had the new year holiday in Japan.  This is the big holiday in Japan as its when everyone goes home to visit their family.  They don’t celebrate Christmas here, so also had the fun of working Christmas day :(.  Anyway, while everyone else 

Okutama – hiking

Okutama – hiking

So a couple of weeks ago I went hiking in Okutama.  About 90 minutes of out Tokyo. I brought along a Japanese guide to read the signs and ensure that I would be fed. This is the feeding before the hike starts.  Now green root. 

Singapore – flowers and stuff

Singapore – flowers and stuff

So popped by Singapore on the weekend to attend a friend’s wedding. Thanks to my friend who decided to let me crash at her place and show me around Singapore! So what should you do when its hot and sunny and rainy in Singapore? Visit