Singapore – flowers and stuff
So popped by Singapore on the weekend to attend a friend’s wedding.
Thanks to my friend who decided to let me crash at her place and show me around Singapore!
So what should you do when its hot and sunny and rainy in Singapore?
Visit the garden of course. Those two dome things are the gardens.
And the best type of garden is one which is air conditioned! This is the complex called “the gardens by the bay”. Although the name might not sound so creative, it is quite varied inside!
Situated just a stones throw away from the major city.
A very interesting garden. It had pumpkins.
More flowers
Other tourists. Human and otherwise.
More cactus. Children (and also some adults) please note the sign.
If you disobey, you will get a visit from the fearsome predator above.
There were also spectacular waterfalls.
And treetop hikes.
All in all, quite a nice garden. Not as good as the ones in London or Tokyo, but given that its a tropical climate what they have managed to do here is quite impressive. Unfortunately as usual, it was my stomach that dictated the time. So that’s all. Up next, Singapore food.
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