Nepal 3 of 4
After we had made the pass, in a whirlwind decent, we hurried back down descending over 2000m in a hurried shuffle. I for one couldn’t wait for a hot shower and a warm bed. At this stage, it had been 4 days since my last wash. The other reason for our speedy decent was that we had been told in no uncertain terms that sticking around was a Really Bad Idea. In the daytime as the rocks heated up, the winds would become rather ferocious and substantially increased the chance of avalanche. Just a couple of days before we had reached the top, a lone hiker had her leg broken by falling rocks. I guess that’s why you pay for guide and porter duos. A protective element. Aside from the fact that I would have loved to lug the 30kg of gear that our porter carried.
So this is how we ended up at Muktinath. It looked like heaven after our ordeals. Finally a chance to have a shower! Rolling fields and what we had missed so much. A donalds. Yak donalds.
After we had recovered a bit, we went off to Chitwan, for out next adventure. Here we happened across the latter part of the Chhath festival. One of the major festivals in Nepal. This festival is centred around water, which is how we found ourselves enjoying the river with the natives.
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