Kyoto revisited 2

So day two in Kyoto

Ginkakujin (the silver temple) with minifuji

And the inside

Rainy again, but means that things look quite peaceful

Heinan jingu

With some inhabitents

Part of Choin-ji, a very quite and peaceful temple.  I guess it is not as well known as the other temples.

I would love to live here.  So peaceful…

And a place to contemplate

And another part of the complex

Then it was off to Kiyomizu-dera

And the view from the top

Getting some sacred water

And the walkways on the way back.

Kyoto is definitely a place to see by foot.  Although on day 1 we got stuck in a massive downpour (monsoon….) you miss to much by going by bus or car to each temple.

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