Hokadate – fish, pork and touristy things
So on our second day in Hokdate it was time to do some cultural activities like any good tourist.
Breakfast was at the nearby fish market.
These are not fake. That is a real crab leg. Nom nom.
And they just get bigger and bigger.
Of any different types and sizes, a real culinary adventure just waiting to start.
And around the corner, a angry shark. He’s probably angry because all the crabs are getting all the attention.
And so off to breakfast. This is egg. With sea urchin inside. MMhmmm.
And a traditional japanese breakfast of grilled fish (salmon in this case), rice and miso soup.
After that satisfying meal we went off to see the graveyards. I would like to state for the record that this was not my idea, but our local tour guide highly recommended them. Maybe its because there was a grave of famous newspaper seller.
I looked and looked but couldn’t find any sign of the newspaper seller’s grave. Maybe it got recycled.
Next we went off to explore the town. Here is one of the quaint streets.
Imagine walking along here 200 years ago. Samurai, foreigners, merchants and peasants all mixing together.
Then it was off to our next destination. This is the view from the tram stop. I usually don’t like trams (they make too much noise, just visit Hong Kong) but these ones were actually ok!
But first, it was time for lunch.
This is a tonkatsu don (pork cutlet with egg and rice) dish. Now, I bet you are thinking what’s so special about this.
Because this is how big it is.
How big do you ask? Probably about 5 bowls of rice and 3 massive tonkatsus in size.
I kid you not.
Now, why did we get it?
Well feature friend just randomly pointed to the picture on the menu and asked me to order it. You need to order (including for 2 other people) at the counter where I was I was asked how many people were eating. I thought it was a kind of strange question, but said for 3 people. It would soon become apparent why I was asked this question when it arrived.
There was a great deal of sniggering, laughing and pointing on our table.
There was even more (if more subdued) around the restaurant with other customers laughing at the foolish gaijin (foreigner).
So egged on by these and questions to his masculinity, he plowed on.
And manfully finished it.
Well at least all the meat. The rice was too much even for this giant.
Although in the end I think the tonkatsu got the last laugh as said person was unable to continue on the rest of the sightseeing for the day. So like a heroic soldier he cried “leave me behind”. So we ditched him before we were off to see castles and samurai.
Until next time.
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